Mother and Child Reunion

A special devotional written this week by my wife, Deb Graham-

Not all little girls play with baby dolls – but I had them all over my room.  My favorite was a baby that wet and cried.  She wasn’t very pretty because I cut her hair one day when my Mom wasn’t looking.  But I loved her.  I remember that my Mom made her clothes and I always had a bottle nearby for her.  I learned a lot from taking care of that baby doll.  I carefully watched my Mom take care of my little sister and I copied her every move.  I learned to love my baby because I saw my Mom love my little sister.

Love is a very important part of learning to be a Mother.  Not everyone knows how at first.  I remember to this day the first time I saw my first born.  I had no idea how I was going to take care of him.  I was so afraid and felt totally inadequate.  Somewhere along the way I realized that I had to trust the Lord for this child belonged to Him.  He had made this precious little bit of heaven – I was only the caretaker.  Now, after 47 years this child – now a wonderful man, has been the joy of my life.  For God gave me a gift and that gift continues to bring me the greatest joy.

My prayer and scripture for you today is:

 “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.”  Psalm 139:13

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Today’s Devotional