Comfort, joy, hope, and peace beyond the Christmas Season

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”

–Luke 2:10

Another miracle of Christmas is the gift that continues long after the season is over.

After the guests are gone, the decorations have been put away, and the Christmas tree has been taken down, the ministry of Jesus Christ continues in your life.

You see, the Messiah came to save us from our sins and satisfy the longings of our lives. And He also came to free us from fear.

Now that the busyness of the season is over, you may find yourself jolted back into the reality of life with worries about money, health, our nation’s course, violence in the world, and more.

But I want to tell you the same thing the angels told the shepherds after Christ’s birth all those years ago: “Fear not… I bring you good news!”

Jesus is your answer. You can experience peace no matter what the circumstances of the world through the Prince of Peace. Jesus came to comfort you, strengthen you, and offer you hope and peace beyond the Christmas season!

If you are struggling in life, you don’t need to be afraid. Immanuel means that God is with you in Jesus Christ. You are never alone.


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