14 days till the National Day of Prayer: Make yourself available to God’s will.

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!—1st Chronicles 16:11 

Sometimes I encounter Christians who ask me, “Pastor, why should I pray? God already knows what He’s going to do, so doesn’t He already have the answer?” Well, I tell them that it’s in prayer that you discover what God wants to do. It’s in prayer that you determine God’s wisdom, God’s way, God’s plan, and God’s desires. It’s in prayer that you make yourself available to God.

I like to think of it like the photo plates that were used to develop pictures. That photo plate was taken into a dark room where the time exposure takes place. In the dark room with the exposure of time, the image is presented to us.

And so it is in prayer. When we enter into the secret place of prayer, when we shut the door to our closet, get alone with God, and give ourselves to God, the imprint of Jesus Christ is placed upon our lives. We’re exposed to Him and we experience Him. And through that experience, we discover His purpose for our lives.

Prayer isn’t just asking God to do something, it’s allowing God to reveal His sovereign will to you. So spend time in prayer, opening yourself up to God and allowing Him to impress upon you and reveal His will in your life!

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