All hope is found is Jesus

We shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

–1 John 3:2

Who do you trust when you are in pain or uncertain about life?

Now, there are many people who can help us when we hurt. There are pastors, counselors, friends, and others. We need people to hold us up and give us hope.

But too often, we put our complete confidence in men and what other people tell us when there is no substitute for the truth of hope in Jesus Christ!  

Have you lost sight of the fact that our greatest and only everlasting hope is from God? I want to remind you that Jesus is sufficient for your needs and mine. He provides a hiding place in the storms of life.  

He is a Father to the fatherless. He is the Great Physician to those who are wounded and sick. He is the Beginning and the End to those who face uncertainty. He is the Resurrection and the Life. And He is your Eternal and Living Hope!

If your hope is in Jesus Christ, there is coming a day when all your physical pain will be no more. You and I will have a new body and a new life as Christ and we will live with Him forever. That’s the blessed hope of eternity.

No matter what you’re going through today, no matter how much you hurt, persevere. Hold onto your hope. 


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