Angels: Discover how to tap into a powerful source of supernatural support!

Of all the promises of Scripture, one I cherish the most is the assurance that God will never leave, abandon, or forsake us as His beloved children.  

That promise plays out through a number of precious gifts God gives to you and me: the Holy Spirit to comfort and indwell; the Church, to encourage and strengthen; and the Word, to teach, rebuke, and train.  

But there’s another gift… one that often gets overlooked.  And that’s angels

This first became clear to me after a life-changing conversation with my friend Bobbie. At the mention of angels, her face lit up. 

“Jack, think of it! Angels! Ones who glorify Jesus perfectly… continually… without reservation! There’s so much we can learn from them.” 

Bobbie’s enthusiasm was not contrived. She’d been battling cancer for some time, and she explained that throughout her painful, debilitating journey, angels had been absolutely indispensable to keeping her hope alive. 

God used that encounter with Bobbie to begin to open my eyes to the reality of the angelic realm. And as I began to dig deep into Scripture, I realized how many treasures there were to discover!  

Aside from plentiful descriptions offered about what angels are like, the Bible makes it clear what angels do: They give direction, counsel, insight, strength, protection, wisdom, and companionship!  

Friend, God’s angels are a powerful source of supernatural support for you and me as we follow Christ each day!  

That’s what my friend Bobbie discovered—and I want you to discover it too. That’s why I wrote my book Angels: Who They Are, What They Do, and Why It Matters—which I’d love to send you as thanks for your support this month. 

I pray that like Elisha’s servant in 2 Kings chapter 6, you’ll be deeply strengthened and inspired as you open your eyes to the angelic allies that surround you!  


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Today's Devotional

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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