Anticipating God’s wonderful reward of heaven

If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. 

–Philippians 1:22-24

When I read today’s passage, I always find the apostle Paul’s terminology here very interesting because he thinks of going to be with Christ as a ‘departure’. Now what does that really mean? Well, that word was used in many contexts in biblical times. Here are just a few:

First, it was a word used by sailors talking about getting a ship ready and setting sail to distant shores and new horizons. One of these days we’re going to set our sails bound for glory and discover the horizons of heaven forever!

Second, that same word was also a soldier’s word for when he would fold up his tent after the battle and march home in victory. And that’s exactly what we’ll do one day when we fold up our earthly tents and march home in victory to Jesus.

Third, the word was a farmer’s word. When a farmer would take the yoke off an ox, that beast would then be able to rest from his labors. One day we’ll take off the yoke of this life and enter into God’s heavenly rest.

So as you anticipate your heavenly reward, look forward to discovering heaven’s new horizons, marching home in victory, and being released from the yokes and burdens of this world. What a wonderful day that will be!


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