Are you in a desert place?

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

–Psalm 16:11

God will sometimes take us to desert places… spiritually speaking… to purify and to prepare us for the greatest seasons of our lives. You may not like it, but it’s still true. 

He does his deepest works within us in the secret places. Think about Moses’ life. It was in the desert that God molded him as he could not do in the palace of Pharaoh. It was in the desert where God transformed a prince into a shepherd so he might use him to lead the children of Israel out of slavery’s captivity and to the Promised Land. 

So let me ask you. Have your decisions brought you to a desert place? 

If so, God will use the desert to fulfill a greater purpose in your life. It’s been said that Moses spent the first forty years of his life learning that he was something; he spent the next forty years learning he was nothing; and he spent the next forty years learning that God could make something out of nothing! 

It’s time to discover what God wants to make of your life! Let him use the desert times to prepare you for something bigger, something better in him! 


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