Are you in the battle?

I have fought the good fight…

–2 Timothy 4:7

You and I don’t have to look far these days to see that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle. And like the other generations of Christ-followers before us, you and I are called to fight as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. 

The apostle Paul understood this battle well. In fact, when he was facing his martyrdom, Paul looked back on his life and said, “I have fought the good fight.”  

Now, few people could speak with such confidence, but Paul could. He had the battle scars to prove his faithfulness. In the course of battle, Paul was pummeled with stones. He was shipwrecked and left to die in the deep. He was beaten with rods, and imprisoned multiple times. And yet, though it all, Paul fought on and never turned back. 

But today there are shocking numbers of people claiming to be Christ-followers who are AWOL in this battle. These people seem to take the battle for granted. They act as though it’s someone else’s job to fight. 

So let me ask you something, “Are you in the fight?”  

We aren’t tourists in this world, but soldiers fighting against the forces of darkness! And Christ is calling you to get in the battle! 

Take your place and endure like the good soldier you’re called to be. Live in such a way that you can say, “I fought the good fight!”


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