“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
–John 10:10
It’s easy to read the verse above and to miss the power it reveals. Because the “they” Jesus is talking about in this verse is you and me!
The reason Jesus came to earth is so you and I could have the life He wants us to have. A life that’s overflowing, that’s bubbling over with joy and peace. God deeply loves us and has a wonderful, abundant plan for our lives.
But we also have an adversary who wants us to live the un-abundant life…a life that’s unproductive, deficient, and inadequate. And far too often, we choose that life instead!
Time after time, people fumble around, trying desperately to find meaning and purpose in work, hobbies, possessions, and unfortunately, in substances like drugs and alcohol. But the only source of abundant living is Jesus Christ.
Are you truly living the abundant life Jesus talked about? Are you finding meaning and purpose in your relationship with Him? Or have you given in to the lies of the enemy that tell you that meaning and purpose is to be found in other things?
The abundant life is the fullness of life. The freshness of a life in Christ. A life that’s wonderfully extravagant – lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. And I don’t want you to miss out on that.
So, if you know Christ, but feel like you aren’t living the abundant life, I encourage you to do two things today. First, begin to pray He’ll clearly show you His direction for your life. Second, spend time every day in His Word, not just reading but listening. If you will do these two things, just watch…your life will become much more than you ever thought it could be!