Are you smarter than God?

But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise….

–1 Corinthians 1:27

Sometimes we think we’re smarter than God. But imagine what would happen if people really trusted God with every detail of their lives. Imagine the heartache that could be saved! 

For instance, what does the Scripture says about sex and marriage? God says, “If you will just trust me and keep your heart and life pure, I will bring someone into your life in my own way and timing.”  

But some singles are impatient and don’t wait on God or trust him in the area of sexual purity. And their choices lead to a world of hurt.

Another area that some people fail to trust God in is the area of finances. God asks you to trust him by giving 10% of your income as a tithe. And yet, this scares some people. They’re afraid they can’t afford it. But the truth is, you will be better off with a blessed 90% of your income than with 100% of your income that you’ve kept to yourself!

You see, God’s way may look illogical to the world, but God isn’t looking for your logic. He’s looking for your trust. And when you trust God, he can bless you.


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