Are you willing to meet people where they are?

Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

–John 4:13-14

God’s primary way of bringing people to Jesus Christ is through people. And if you’re going to be an effective witness, you must make sure that you treat people differently… just like Jesus did.  

We have to remember that people are at all sorts of different places in their spiritual journey. Some people are seekers, some are skeptics, some are ready, ripe and responsive. Then there are those who are recalcitrant and rebellious, and it might take a little longer for them to come to Christ!  

That’s why you and I have to be real and transparent. And we have to build bridges into people’s lives. Just like Jesus did!  

A good example is how Jesus spoke to the woman at the well (see John 4). She was a Samaritan, a race of people with whom Jews typically didn’t associate. She was an adulteress, a woman whose lifestyle was obviously unholy and unwholesome. Yet Jesus spoke with her and treated her with dignity. He spoke of the source of real satisfaction of the heart that would last forever. And she placed her faith in Christ that day!  

We all come to Jesus differently. And if you’re going to be effective in your witness for Christ, you must be willing to go out of your way to meet people where they are. Just like Jesus did!

So let me ask you, are you waiting for that golden opportunity to share your story of grace with someone? Are you waiting for someone to ask you about Christ simply because of the way you live?

While this does happen every now and then, more often people meet Christ because someone like you got out of their comfort zone… took the initiative… and struck up a conversation with them. Someone like you took the time to ask someone else how they were really doing… offered a word of biblical encouragement… or simply just showed that they cared.

It’s my prayer that you will meet people where they are today…just like Jesus did!


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