Be clear in presenting the truth of God’s saving grace for the sin of mankind.

Contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.

–Jude 1:3


As we share the Gospel with the people around us and take it to the ends of the earth, we need to be aware that there are people out there who seek to distort or dilute the pure message of Christ. Any belief system or teaching that does either one of these things is a false system that we can’t trust.


Many people want to add works or rules to the Gospel; that is, they distort it to fit their own ideas of what it takes to be saved. Others try to water down the Gospel by removing or downplaying the need for confession and repentance.


The problem is that when unbelievers hear multiple versions of the Gospel, they don’t usually know which one to believe. Or even worse, they just simply choose the one that sounds the best!


There will always be those who try to make the Gospel less…or more…than it is. The challenge for us as believers is to make absolutely sure that we are clear when we present the truth of Christ.


That means being truthful with people about their sin and need of a Savior. Beware of the teaching, even in some so-called Christian circles, which says that everything will be fine if you just try to do your best, because God loves you no matter what and will accept your best efforts.


That’s not the Gospel! Nor is it the Gospel that somehow we can work our way to heaven.


It’s only when people come to realize their desperate need for Christ that they are truly coming to grips with the message of Jesus Christ.  And it’s only when people realize God’s grace covers their sin that they can fully appreciate the Gospel message. 


The Bible calls us to stand firm for the truth. Don’t stand for a distorted or diluted Gospel.


Be clear in presenting the truth of God’s saving grace for the sin of mankind.

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