Be sensitive to the sin in your life

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!

–Psalm 139:23-24

As believers in Christ, you and I need to deal diligently with our character… which involves having a proper attitude about sin.

So what should that attitude be? For one, as believers we should be sensitive toward the sin in our lives. It’s like getting something in your eye and not resting until you get it out! You should be so sensitive to the sin in your life that you can’t rest until you get it out.

Now, believe me, I’ve heard all kinds of excuses over the years from people as to why they let sin remain in their lives. And some people do take some steps to remove the sin from their lives.

But I want to ask you today, are you doing everything you can to remove sin from your life? Are you using every resource God makes available to you in order to kill sin and grow in Christ-likeness?

Maybe it means disconnecting the internet at home. Maybe it means getting rid of your cable television. Maybe it even means admitting your sin to a close circle of fellow believers you trust so they can help hold you accountable.  

I don’t know what it specifically means for you, but I do know this: You and I are crazy if we don’t take advantage of any chance to eliminate anything that pulls us away from Christ!

Today, to help you become more sensitive to the sin in your life, I encourage you to take some time to think and pray through today’s verses.

May God bless you as you strive to become more like Him today!


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