Boxing Day with God

“…he must increase, but I must decrease.”

–John 3:30

Today, it’s Boxing Day in the UK, and as an American, when this holiday showed up on my phone’s calendar, it had me perplexed. Is it a day celebrating taking all those Christmas boxes to the recycle bin? Is it a celebration of pugilistic arts, the sweet science? Well, as my quick internet search revealed, it was originally intended as a day when servants, tradesmen, and domestics were given a box of gifts in appreciation for their service throughout the year. It sounds very Downton Abbey-esque in its origins, but it still brings to my sports-loving mind, the great boxers of the past: Ali, Frazier, Tyson, Holyfield, and Foreman.

Now, I have never been a big fan of boxing, but it reminds me that for many people Christmas is not a time of celebration or wonder at the birth of Christ, but just another day of boxing with God, questioning their faith in the face of great tragedy or difficulties in their personal life

As a pastor, I’ve had many people ask me, “Why they are facing such painful life circumstances?” And this is a very understandable question to ask. Life circumstances like grief, sorrow, suffering, heartache, and struggles of all sorts can stop us in our tracks.

And often, I have to answer these people by saying, “I honestly don’t know why.” Some things are imponderable. Of course, that doesn’t mean that we won’t understand sometime, but we may not know this side of heaven.

So there’s nothing wrong with you and I asking why. In fact, if you’re asking questions, you’re in good company. When John the Baptist, the man who introduced Jesus to the world, was imprisoned for preaching repentance, he also found himself in the dungeon of doubt. He sent word to Jesus, asking, “Lord, are you truly the Messiah or should we expect another?”

Now, if John, who Jesus called the “greatest man born of woman,” could feel the fog of doubt, take heart. But also determine to continue to move forward in faith… to trust… to believe… to hope.

Let the questions of life build your faith! Each trial is a lesson that can teach you about the content of your faith, the character of your commitment, and the caliber of your spiritual maturity.

Bring your questions to God, earnestly seek answers to your questions. Pray for His guidance. God is big enough, tough enough to spar with your doubts, and He will transform you.



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