Can God count on you?

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession 

–1 Peter 2:9

Do you ever think about your significance to God? You and I are very important to him! Across the centuries, the followers of Jesus Christ have been his hands and face to the world.  

Like the generations of believers before ours, and those who will come after us, we, too, are “a chosen generation”! And God is counting on us.

That’s why it is so important that you and I do our part in the work of the Lord. You and I, we are part of his temple, the body of Christ. Peter said we are “living stones” in this church. And there’s no such thing as a one brick building! 

And so, as believers, we are all in this together. We belong together. In fact, we are better together that we are alone. You see, you cannot build your life alone, and you can’t build the church that way, either. That is God’s design.

And Peter also tells us that “we are a holy nation.” As followers of Jesus Christ you and I are called to live unique and distinctive lives, separated from the world. And here’s why. He has called you out of the world so that you can go back into the world with the Gospel as his ambassadors. 

And an ambassador’s job is critical. An ambassador represents one nation in the land of another. I hope that speaks to your heart like it does mine. You and I are called to represent Jesus Christ to our world. 

Do you believe that you are significant to God? He has taken your life and placed you into his church, the family of God. He has made you an ambassador to the world. And he needs you to live a holy life so that the world can recognize him in you. You are chosen!

Now you know a little better how important you are to God and how he desires to use you to bring others to him.

So, let me ask you, are you doing your part in the body of Christ? Are you living a holy life? Can the world see him in your actions and reactions?  

I know you count on him for things in your life. Now it’s time to tell him that he can count on you. Ask him and he will show you how you can be all that he created you to be!



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Today's Devotional

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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