Day 25

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

–JOHN 3:16 

God wants to live in your heart and transform your life. You see, when you become a believer in Jesus Christ, a wonderful thing happens. The very Spirit of God enters your life and lives within you! And when the Holy Spirit lives within, you’re never the same. 

This is the best Christmas present of all! Nothing can compare to receiving the gift of Jesus Christ because His salvation is the ultimate gift of forgiveness and eternal life. 

God loves you and me so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth as a baby. God sent Him so you could have meaning, purpose, and a future with Him. He sent Jesus to teach us, and most of all to save us—the Sinless One taking on the sins of the world. God didn’t walk away or give up on restoring our relationship with Him. He provided the way to everlasting life! 

It’s my prayer that you would remember God’s love for you this Christmas and that you would be bold in sharing this gift with your family. Nothing can compare to receiving the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ because His salvation is the ultimate gift of forgiveness. 

It will be the best Christmas present you can ever receive and the best present you could ever give someone!

(To obtain a free copy of “The Cost of Christmas,” a 25-day advent devotional go to, call 800-414-7693, or request it online at


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Today's Devotional

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