Discover what angels are made for… and why it matters to you!

As Pastor Graham shares in the message above, God created angels in eternity past for very specific roles. And as Christians, it’s important we understand what angels do and what they challenge us to do.  


Angels have four important roles.  They are…


  1. 1. Worshippers.  God created angels to worship Him. Throughout Scripture we find angels worshipping God, both here on earth as they did at the birth of Jesus, and around the throne of God, as we see in Isaiah 6. Angels are continually praising God, singing and shouting His praise. 


  1. 2. Messengers.  Angels appear at specific times, sent by God, to deliver a message from God to humans. They do not bring their own message – they say only what God has told them to say. They may bring a word of encouragement, instruction, or warning, and it’s always a message straight from God that we should listen to.


  1. 3. Warriors.  Contrary to popular culture’s images of cute, cuddly cherubs, angels are strong and mighty warriors. They are soldiers that God sends into battle in the spiritual war that’s going on all around you. In Revelation we find that one single angel seizes the devil and casts him into the pit at the end of time. Angels are immensely powerful.


  1. 4. They challenge us.  As worshippers, angels move you to praise God. Inspired by their nonstop adoration of God, we are prompted to join them in worship. And though they are messengers from God, the one thing they cannot do is be a witness to what God has done in your life. Angels challenge you to witness to others the forgiveness of sins we have in Jesus Christ.


As you meditate on who angels are and what they do, may you accept their challenge to run to God in worship and to run to tell the world of all He’s done for you!


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Today's Devotional

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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