Do something positive for others today.

Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, “My daughter, should I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with you?”

–Ruth 3:1


In today’s verse, Naomi provides an example for what you and I should do when life is hard.  You see, in the midst of her state of depression, she did something that helped get her out from under the dark cloud of bitterness she was living in: 


Naomi stopped thinking about herself and started thinking about someone else.


I don’t know where you may find yourself today, but if you’re down…I have a word for you: If you can get outside of yourself and start serving others, you will find any depression you have will begin to lift.


If you’re discouraged today, I encourage you to get interested in someone else! Get involved in your church. Adopt a family or find a child that you can share a gift with. 


And certainly it’s important to share your faith. Nothing will lift your spirits and enliven your heart like sharing the Good News with someone who needs to hear it!


When you’re discouraged or depressed, the best thing you can do is to get your mind on the Lord Jesus Christ…to worship Him, to look to Him, to speak to Him, to open your Bible, and to ask the Spirit of God to mend your broken heart. 


And then for someone else to bless.  When you will do, watch God begin to restore and replenish and refresh your despondent spirit.


Do something positive for others today.

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