Do you accept God’s Word?

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

–Psalm 19:7

In his book The Journey, the great Billy Graham writes about coming to a point in his life of reconciling himself to the Scriptures as the complete and authoritative Word of God.

You see, early in his ministry, a friend had challenged Billy to change the way he talked about the Bible. His friend said that Billy’s approach was outdated and irrelevant. And for a while, doubts swirled Billy Graham’s mind.

Finally one night, sitting alone in a cabin, he thoroughly examined the Scriptures and what the prophets and apostles said about God’s Word. And a little later on a walk in the forest, Billy knelt by a tree stump and prayed these words: “Oh, Lord, there are many things in this Book I don’t understand. …But by faith I’m going to accept it as Thy Word! And from this moment on I’m going to trust the Bible as the Word of God!”

From that day forward, when Billy preached, he confidently proclaimed, “The Bible says…!” And that message changed the world!

Ultimately, you must reconcile yourself to God’s Word, too. Look at the evidence, examine the Bible’s claims, and get on your knees before him.

Make this your prayer today: “Lord, I don’t understand everything in the Bible, but by faith, I accept the Scripture as your Word.” 



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