Do you have a courageous heart?

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature …For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

–I Samuel 16:7

One of the greatest battles in history was not fought between two armies but rather between two people, David and Goliath. And this story is even more amazing when you consider that David was just a shepherd boy when he battled this menacing giant.

Do you wonder how this was possible? What was the source of David’s courage? I’ll tell you.

David had the heart of a champion! It’s true. Today’s verse tells us that the Lord wasn’t looking at David’s size or age, but at his heart! And his heart belonged to God.

Now, you and I don’t face physical giants as David did, but we most certainly are challenged by obstacles and opposition. However, you must not let these hideous giants take hold of your heart, because they will taunt and terrorize you day and night.

And more tragic than that, failure to overcome your giants can keep you from experiencing the victory that God has for you in Christ Jesus. It’s time to defeat your giants!

God has given you the heart of a champion and you can do all things by his strength!


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