Do you have an overcoming faith?

… “According to your faith be it done to you.”

–Matthew 9:29

Do you really know what today’s verse means? 

It means that whatever you need, whatever you and I ask for in prayer believing in him, we will receive. So let me ask you. What is it you need?  

Do you need to be saved? Do you need to be forgiven? Do you need a brand new life? We all do! The way to be saved is to receive God’s gift of grace through faith. So if you need to be saved, place your faith in Christ!

Do you struggle with worry? This happens when we fail to trust God. We begin to fret when we take our eyes off him and stop believing that he is in control. But he is in control in the hardest and darkest situations! 

So how do we receive what we need in Christ? How do we overcome and lay hold of the promises of God? First John 5:4 tells us, “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.”  

Faith is the victory! Believe in him and you have everything you need to overcome in life! 


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