Do you need healing?

…who heals all your diseases….

–Psalm 103:3

Does a cut finger tell itself to heal? No, it doesn’t, really. God tells it to heal.  

You see, when God made humans, he did something wonderful and amazing. He made us so that our bodies, even at the smallest cellular levels, are constantly being healed. 

But God doesn’t stop with just your physical needs. Sometimes it is the psyche that is scarred and injured, either as a result of inflicted emotional injury, or as a result of the consequences of sin.

And an injury to the psyche has a way of affecting others. People who have emotional hurts sometimes cause injury to their relationships, like to their marriage and children. 

So we are doubly blessed to find God’s healing power at work in our emotions and psyche as much as it is at work in our physical being! 

God’s healing is constantly at work healing broken hearts, broken hopes, and broken homes. He cares about every hurt, every hang-up, and every habit… and he is at work on every addiction and personal struggle. 

Sometimes you may wonder, “If God’s at work to heal me, then why am I not feeling any better?” Well, let me remind you of something. Our healing God is also a God of providence. And that means that sometimes, in his infinite wisdom, God may heal you supernaturally and suddenly, but at other times he may heal by process.  

If you are waiting upon God, let me encourage you. Just think about how far you have come with God. Think about what your life might be like if you did not know the Lord. What kind of mother or father would you be? What kind of neighbor would you be? God is at work in every aspect of your life to heal and to restore you.

Until that day that you and I experience our ultimate healing, when we stand before God, glorified and complete, God is in the process of healing and caring for every dimension of your life and mine. 

So where do you need healing? Are you aware of the hurts or emotional hang-ups that are affecting your relationships? Do you have struggles that separate you from the love of family? 

God is right there with you right now. Others may have turned away, but God has not, and will not. Remember this: There is nothing that God cannot heal. You can trust him. Your healing may come suddenly, or it may come through a process, but your healing is certain!


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