Do you want to be free?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

–2 Corinthians 5:17

Have you ever felt like you were trapped? Maybe you feel that way today—trapped by addictions, bad habits, a painful past, or broken relationships.

If so, you can find freedom! When you accept Jesus as your personal Savior, you have access to the power to overcome what has you bound up. You’re no longer on your own!

The apostle Paul reinforces this in today’s Scripture verse. You become a “new creation” not by getting the evil out, but by getting the power of God in! That’s what changes you. 

If you are desperate for freedom today, start by asking Jesus Christ into your life. Repeat this prayer:Heavenly Father, I know that my sin keeps me bound. But because You love me, You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, to set me free. I accept Your gift of freedom and welcome Jesus into my heart and life. Amen.

If you’ve just said this prayer and believe what you prayed, you now know the source of power for victory over addictions, habits, a broken heart, and more.

When Christ comes to live in you, then the love of sin is replaced for a love of God. The love of sinful passion and sinful pleasure is replaced with a love for holy purposes and passions that honor God.

The old you passes away and the new you takes its place!


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