Everything I Need

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

—Psalm 23:1

Psalm 23 has been called the greatest poem penned in any language. And in reality it is a poem and it is a song. It is a song of the people, and it sounds the chords of human experience.

It has been quoted in nurseries and on battle fields. It is stated and sung in funerals and at weddings. We have seen it quoted and heard it at deathbeds and sickbeds as well as birthday parties and celebrations of life. It is a psalm for all seasons because we have a Shepherd who is the Shepherd for all seasons.

The Shepherd feeds us and leads us. And that’s, of course, what this psalm is about, His peace, His provision, His protection. And therefore, this passage has become one of the most reassuring reads in the entire Bible.

I will not lack for anything because, “My cup runs over!” I will not lack for an abundant and eternal home because it’s heaven, too! “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Everything we need! He meets our needs, all of them, physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, materially!


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