Finding your purpose

And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.”

–Acts 9:5

Paul’s conversion to Christ is one of the greatest transformational encounters in all of Scripture. Do you remember the story? 

Paul was traveling down the Damascus road, when he was suddenly knocked to the ground and blinded by a brilliant light. Paul immediately knew this was a supernatural encounter. And he asked, “Who are you, Lord?” The Lord replied, “I am Jesus whom you persecute.”  

Now, Paul had just met Christ Jesus, the one whom he had been persecuting. No doubt overcome by the powerful encounter, Paul asked another question. He asked, “Lord, what will you have me to do?”  

You see, when you really meet Jesus, you will find the purpose of your life! Paul discovered his mission in that moment and he never turned back. If you have met the Lord, then you have a mission, too.  

Whether you’re a butcher, a baker, a preacher or a plumber, God has a plan for you to glorify him and to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all your being. And he wants you to take this calling seriously. You cannot negotiate with God about your mission. And never compromise with the world. 

Give God your best each day. Embrace your assignment. Fight the good fight and fulfill your purpose in Christ Jesus. 


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