Following God into Victory

“So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. And as soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city.”

—Joshua 6:20

Before Joshua and the children of Israel could enter the Promise Land there was a huge massive obstacle to overcome. It was a place known as Jericho.

Now if you were going to enter into the promises of God, you need to be aware that you will face obstacles. There will be Jerichos in your own life! 

A Jericho can be anything in your life that says, “Keep out from the blessings of God,” that massive wall that stands between you and what God has given you. Your Jericho could be an aging body. It could be a cancer diagnosis. Your Jericho could be a broken relationship, a broken marriage. Your Jericho could be a fear or worry.

God is bringing every one of us to a place of surrender because this is how we win. Before we can defeat our Jericho we must give ourselves unconditionally to Him, unreservedly to Him.

A lot of times we want God to be on our side. But the question is not: Is God on my side? The question is: Am I on the Lord’s side?

God wants to do something great in your life, but you must surrender to Him and trust Him. What we need to do is get God’s Word, believe it and act on it! Even though the world doesn’t get it, even though some of your friends may not get it, you trust God and watch God work!



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Today's Devotional

…they shall mount up with wings like eagles…. –Isaiah 40:31 I’ve discovered a couple of interesting things about eagles. For one thing, eagles don’t grovel in chicken coops. No! These

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