From Dr. Graham’s Desk

Dear Friend,

Why is it that we know Psalm 23 so well – with its promises of “green pastures” and “still waters” and a life without fear – yet many of us still live stressed out and worried?

The truth is, we know a peaceful existence is possible – we’re just not that good at living it out.

If you’re ready to stop all the worry and find peace, God is ready to guide you.

The first key to finding true rest is to come apart from your work. Our Good Shepherd wants us to lie down in those lush green meadows He provides – to be still and trust Him.

The second key is to really “chew over” God’s Word. Take time to hear from God so He can refresh and strengthen you.

The third key is to look to Jesus for rescue. Even when you wander off, your Good Shepherd will call you by name, gently pick you up, and graciously restore your soul.

I’m excited to help you further enjoy God’s peace, by sending you my Breaking Free from Stress booklet, plus my Are You Fit for Life? book, as my thanks for your gift this month.

Your generous partnership is helping proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, so more stressed and hurting people in our anxious world can break free and find new life in Him!

So thank you, and God bless.

’Til the whole world hears,



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Today's Devotional

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the

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