Get Strife Out of Your Life

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!”

–Psalm 37:7

When I was a little guy my mother used to cook in a thing called a pressure cooker. It would literally heat from the pressure within. And she would cook beans particularly in there. Every now and then this thing would start whistling and rattling, and suddenly there was an explosion! I would hear my mother scream, and I’d walk in and there were green beans all over the ceiling because that thing just finally blew up.

That’s what can happen to us when we worry and fret. Strife and stress is a way of life for so many people today including Christians. Yes, Christians fight this battle over stress as well.

The thing is, it doesn’t accomplish anything in your life. It will rob you of peace and joy and happiness and laughter. It will take away relationships. It can rob you of your health and even your sleep.

And you know what? It’s all futile and foolish. Even Jesus said that. Jesus talked a lot about dealing with worries and anxieties. He said, [Luke 12:25] “Which one of you can add to your life by worrying about it?” He said it is unprofitable for any of us to worry about anything. You can’t change things simply by worrying about them.

God is good, God is gracious, God is great! And there’s nothing in your life that He can’t handle! So you trust Him, knowing that even when you fail and fall, He’s got you in the palm of His hand; He holds you.


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