Get your heart in the game

… he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

–I John 4:4

Each of us has giants in our lives. You and I know that. So the question is, “Are you going to slay those giants or let them hold you hostage?”  

Let me share a little story with you. Back in 2001, the schools of Duke and Maryland were competing in the NCAA basketball semifinals. And Duke was favored to win. 

But in the first half, they played poorly. They missed shots and rebounds, and even were down by as many as 21 points. They somewhat closed the gap, but ended the half stunned and feeling defeated. 

At the end of halftime, after the coach had spoken, the players stayed behind for a bit rather that going out and warming up. One of the Duke players spoke to each of his teammates individually. He got in their faces and spoke these words, “Find your heart!” And they did! Duke won a great comeback victory… and eventually won the national championship!

So let me say to you, Christ-follower, “Find your heart!” Yes, you face menacing giants, but Jesus lives in you; you have the heart of a champion. And he is bigger than any opponent you will ever face! 

Don’t let giants keep you down. It’s time to rally and to bring the giants down!


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