God blesses unity!

“I [Jesus] in them [His followers] and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.”

–John 17:23

Today’s verse contains one of the most remarkable statements recorded in Scripture. It says that God loves you and me just as he loves Christ Jesus. Isn’t that amazing? How does a perfect and holy God love us who are so imperfect and unholy?   

Well, the Scripture tells us that Jesus is in us, just as God is in Jesus. So our oneness in Christ gives us oneness with God! And it is our collective unity in Christ Jesus that forms his Church. 

Now, when I say church, I’m not talking about any particular denomination, but about the worldwide body of Jesus Christ, all those joined together in faith and trust in him. We know that there are many expressions within the body, but there is only one true Church. 

Unfortunately, the cause of Christ has suffered a great deal of damage by those who love dissention more than unity. You see, Satan is the arch enemy of unity where the Church is concerned. But God promises blessing where unity dwells (Psalm 133)! 

So, if you share the passion and priority of Christ for unity, then lay aside your differences and focus on Christ Jesus who makes us one. In this way, Jesus will be magnified and those who are lost will be drawn into his marvelous love! 


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Today’s Devotional