God had his hand on you before you were born—¬and He still has his hand on you today!

Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them.

–Psalm 139:16


The birth of a baby is a special and wonderful moment when a new life enters the world. Every baby is truly a tiny miracle, because the Bible says God creates each baby and knits it together in its mother’s womb.


The human body is so complex and intricate that it’s mind-boggling to realize how every part works together. We could spend the rest of this day discussing how teeth develop, how bones grow, and how the human body just knows what to do and when to do it.


The wonder of Psalm 139 is that God’s creative work in our lives begins at the very moment of conception. Even in our embryonic stage, God is at work shaping us to be the person He wants us to be. And it’s just as incredible to realize that after we are born, God continues to form our bodies.


When we stop to think about what an astounding work of creation the human body is, it’s no wonder that God said it was good when He created us. Our bodies are far more complex than any computer or other manmade invention. 


And by the way, our bodies are constantly growing and maturing, which tells us that God is still at work in us every day. That should give you a reason to praise Him today. Take a moment right now to thank God for loving you before you ever entered this world, and for loving you every day thereafter!


God had his hand on you before you were born—­and He still has his hand on you today!

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