God is in control!

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

–Romans 8:18

We see it all the time in the Scripture: one person is spared from what seems like certain death, while another endures hardship and dies in faith. 

There’s a good example of what I’m talking about found in Acts 12. Herod took the life of James, a disciple of Jesus. And then, in the same chapter of Scripture, you and I read that Peter was delivered from prison by an angel. 

Perhaps you’ve read these stories and wonder why God does that. Well, let me tell you. It is because our God is a sovereign God. And he made the choices he did regarding James and Peter, in those particular situations, because he was reigning over every circumstance of their lives.  

And God is reigning over the circumstances of your life. Do you know that? The details of your life aren’t missed by him. There are no mistakes. Nothing’s getting past him. 

God is sovereign when your prayers are answered swiftly, and when they aren’t. He is sovereign through every stormy trial, when you suffer an injustice, and when you must walk through the valley of the shadow of death. 

Because he reigns, you can trust him with your life. 


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