God is speaking

“Be still, and know that I am God.”

— Psalm 46:10

Many people think that the will of God is the same as fate. These people think, “Well, whatever will be will be.” Then there are others who look at life as fortune, and they say things like, “Oh, I was just lucky.”  There are even some people in the church who believe that doing the will of God requires following some kind of formula. 

But life isn’t about fate or luck, and it’s certainly not a formula. You see, God is personally and providentially working in your life and mine. He’s providing guidance and direction. He’s actively at work to perform his will in your life and mine. And God is speaking directly to us. 

So let me ask you, do you recognize his voice? Are you taking time to listen to God?

When God spoke to Elijah (I Kings 19:12), it was in a “low whisper,” or what another translation calls, “a still small voice.”  But listen, if you’re in a rush from the moment you get out of bed, it’s going to be hard to listen for God’s voice. That’s why the psalmist wrote, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

You see, it’s important to set aside time each day to be still in his presence, to ask for his help and direction, but even more importantly, to listen to what God is saying to you.  

He longs to spend time with you. Learn his voice and follow him.


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