Godly determination

And David said to Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail because of him. Your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.”

–I Samuel 17:32

Is there a menacing shadow looming over your life… a giant-sized challenge or problem that taunts you and keeps you from living a victorious life in Christ Jesus? 

Well, if there is, don’t give up! You and I are going to take a lesson from young David the giant-slayer, and discover a vital key to defeating the giants in our paths.   

When David first arrived at the battlefield, carrying food for his brothers from home, he was shocked at what he found. He never could have imagined the enormous fear that he saw in the hearts of the armies of Israel. 

You see, Goliath’s brashness and mockery had completely demoralized them. But seeing the fear in his countrymen ignited the heart of the champion within David. Look at what he said, “Let no man’s heart fail because of him. Your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.” 

Now pay attention to what happens next. After seeing David’s determination, his own brothers and even the king tried to discourage him from fighting Goliath. And sometimes people will try to discourage you, too. But be like David, full of the determination that comes from knowing the greatness of your God!

Are you facing giants today? Let Jesus fill you and fuel you with determination! There’s victory in him!


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