God’s given you a helper

And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.”

–Acts 8:29

We all want to make the best decisions we can, especially about life’s big choices. So that raises the question, “How does God lead you and me?” 

Well, one way he leads us is by speaking to us through an inner voice… just as he spoke to Philip in today’s verse. This kind of direction isn’t just a gut feeling or intuition. This is the work and the witness of the Spirit of God in our lives. 

We see this ministry of the Spirit clearly described in Romans 8:14, “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” So, if you are a child of God, the Spirit is leading you!   

In another Scriptural reference, when Jesus promised the disciples that he would send the Spirit he used the Greek word “paraklete.” I love this word. It describes the Spirit as a helper, as “one who is called alongside.” So the Spirit is walking with us to help us find God’s master plans for our lives, as well as direction for the important choices of our daily lives. 

Do you long to have the counsel and guidance of God in your life? The Spirit is at your side waiting to help you! 

Pray right now and ask him for his help and guidance. Listen for his voice and watch for his direction. 


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