God’s plan for you

…  “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness.’”

–Exodus 5:1

When Moses stood before Pharaoh and spoke those famous words, “Let my people go,” he was revealing the heart of God toward you and me. Did you know that? 

God’s plan is for us to be truly free. He wants us to be liberated by his Spirit to serve him. But here’s the challenge. As soon as we determine for ourselves to go with God and to live in the freedom made possible by Jesus Christ, the enemy goes to work. Satan’s primary goal is to keep you enslaved. That’s it.

Now, in Scripture, Pharaoh is an illustration of the devil. Pharaoh was a murderer and a liar. He never intended to let the children of Israel go free. Instead, he offered Moses compromises and negotiations. He told Moses, “Go ahead and sacrifice to your God.” 

And in this same way, the devil will say to you, “Go ahead and be religious… go to church, that’s fine. But just stay in Egypt.” Right now there are countless church members who think they’re free, but spiritually, they’re still living in Egypt.

Listen. Satan’s plan is to keep you enslaved, but God offers you victory and freedom. Come out of the world and get under the liberating blood of Jesus Christ today! 


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