Have you joined God’s church?

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship…

–Acts 2:42

Did you know the Bible tells pastors that we are accountable for the members of our church? It’s true. 

But it’s getting more and more difficult to be accountable for our members when we don’t always know who they are or where they are.  

Now, each pastor has to speak from his own experience, but I can tell you that at our church we have many faithful members. And we also have some unfaithful members. 

Where it gets more interesting is that we also have a whole other group of people who attend our church every Sunday whom I call the faithful nonmembers. And, in fact, we even have some unfaithful nonmembers in the church. You see the challenge.

So since we are to give account before the Lord, let me encourage you to make a commitment to God’s church… regardless of where you’ve been serving and worshipping Jesus.  

Listen! I know there are some churches where no one asks you to be accountable. You just show up or don’t show up and nobody cares. But that’s not the New Testament church Jesus had in mind. 

Jesus committed himself for you and that commitment took him all the way to Calvary’s cross. Will you pick up your cross and follow him? 

Follow in New Testament faith and devote yourself to Christ and his fellowship of believers.


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