Heavenly and Earthly Citizenship

Heavenly and Earthly Citizenship

As Christians, we not only have a heavenly citizenship, we also have a citizenship on earth. We have a heavenly allegiance to Christ and also a national allegiance to Christ, for we’re told that while we’re on earth, we are to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

It was the great American Daniel Webster who said: “Whatever it is that makes men good Christians makes them good citizens as well.”

As this month we celebrate the National Day of Prayer, it’s important to think about our role as citizens and as Christians. The bottom line is, we are to pray without ceasing for our country. We should kneel before God with a burden for our country and a prayer in our heart that He would save America, and that we would live again in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As Americans, we have a beautiful history and a wonderful heritage. But the question is: Do we have a future? What is the future of our great country?

The great Francis Schaeffer once said: “One day we will wake up and find an America far different than the one that we had known.”

When we sing “God Bless America,” my prayer is that it would be more than a song and more than just a slogan for political purposes. My prayer is that it would be a cry of our heart, that God would bless America today! And while all blessings are from the good hand of God—His grace, His favor—there are conditions for the blessings of God. Are we as a country in condition to receive the blessings that God desires to give?

I don’t believe so. America has rebelled against holy God and judgment is sure to follow, as sure as night follows day unless there is a miracle for our nation. Our nation was born in 1776 in a revolution. Let us pray that God would give us a spiritual revolution in our generation that America may live again.


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Today's Devotional

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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