Heavenly and Earthly Citizenship: Voting Our Biblical Values

As Christians, we not only have a heavenly citizenship, we also have a citizenship on earth. We have a heavenly allegiance to Christ and also a national allegiance to Christ, for we’re told that while we’re on earth, we are to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

It was the great American Daniel Webster who said: “Whatever it is that makes men good Christians makes them good citizens as well.”

We recognize the importance of our citizenship and staying informed and voting our biblical values during any election – whether, local, state or national.

Now, more than ever, there is much at stake as the culture in our country continues to spiral in a downward trajectory. The disgraceful and ungodly societal norms of today would have been considered unfathomable just a few years ago. Shamefully, right is wrong and wrong is right.

It is critical that we pray, participate, and vote today. To not take a side, to “sit this one out,” to not express our biblical views and values through our vote is in and of itself a decision – the wrong decision.

The question to ask is which candidate’s policies and platform most clearly align with your biblical values, and then vote your Christian principles.

Please do not throw away your God-given right to vote, to make a difference … for the sake of our children and their children and their children.

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