Hope and assurance for eternity

It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.

–Hebrews 9:27

The saying is true…the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes!  Every human is destined to die, and that includes you and me.

We are reminded of the frailty of life almost every day. Death can find us no matter where we are. 

We all skip appointments, whether it’s an appointments with the doctor, or dentist we don’t want to keep…or a boring meeting that we don’t want to be stuck in for hours. But the truth of the matter is that there is one appointment we simply can’t skip, and that is our appointment with death.

But here’s the good news.  We don’t have to fear this appointment because Christ didn’t miss His appointment with death. He was appointed to die on the cross, and He did not break it. And because He met that appointment…and also met His appointment with the resurrection, we can now face our final appointment with death with great confidence and joy.

Christ’s complete victory over death is our hope and assurance for eternity!

I can’t tell you all of the times that I have stood at a graveside and tried to comfort the family of the deceased. But I can tell you this…it makes all the difference if that family has the eternal hope of Christ in their hearts!  

Thinking about death can cause us to reevaluate our lives – which is not a bad thing. So as you think about your life…and the fact that someday you will indeed die…let me ask you, are you living with the hope and certainty of heaven? I pray that you are.  And I pray that you help others find this peace and security in Jesus Christ today.  


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