Hot-button Topic Q&A

Q. My daughter came home and told me evolution is true because science proves it. What should I tell her? 

A. Evolution has not actually been proven. It has several problems, one of which is the problem of logic. Evolution supposes that “that nothing times nobody equals everything,” and despite decades of research, no proof of the origin of life or links between separate species have ever been discovered. 

Q. Do pro-life laws discriminate against women? 

A. Life – and motherhood – begin at conception, and abortion denies the God-given instincts of precious would-be moms.  

One study done on women who’d had abortions within the previous five to 10 years found that 100% reported feelings of sadness, regret, remorse, or a sense of loss, 81% reported feelings of diminished self-worth and victimization, and 65% reported suicidal ideation.  

Being pro-life is the healthiest choice for women, not just babies. 

Q. I always thought Christians weren’t supposed to drink alcohol, but now it seems like everyone does. What’s changed?  

A. While culture may change, Scripture never does, and Proverbs 20:1 says, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.”  

Alcohol destroys more lives, more homes, and more futures than any other drug, including heroin, cocaine, and marijuana.  

It can also lead to depression, anxiety, self-destruction, self-loathing, and emotional issues that short-circuit otherwise healthy lives. The one who is wise will avoid it. 

Q. My son is struggling with pornography. How can I help him find freedom? 

A. Every man battles sexual temptation, and the acronym PURE has helped many men and women find victory.  

It stands for: 

  • Prepare for spiritual attack 
  • Undo defiling associations (remove people or places that promote temptation from your life) 
  • Remember the consequences (who else will be harmed by your behavior?) 
  • Engage in positive spiritual activities (replace “no” with “yes” – yes to hiding God’s Word in your heart, yes to faithfulness, yes to trusting God for His best).  

Q. My friend’s daughter just came out as a lesbian, and my friend doesn’t know how to respond. What do I say?  

A. As Christ’s followers, we are not called to show anything but kindness and helpfulness, grace, and compassion to any person trapped in homosexuality – even as we speak the truth of God’s Word.  

But we must promote deliverance, not tolerance. We can proclaim boldly that every person can be delivered, saved, and transformed into a new creation by the perfecting power of God, no matter what their struggle is… remembering that none of us is without sin. 

Q. Is debt really that big of a deal to God?  

A. Financial bondage will keep you from living the life God has called you to.  

If you’re in debt, your financial condition will leave you watching from the sidelines while others who have mastered their money enjoy a fulfilling, full-throttle ride.  

God’s desire for you is that you would live set free by His truth, not enslaved to anyone or anything. (John 8:32) 

Q. Is capital punishment just legalized murder? 

A. Capital punishment is as old as recorded time. After the flood, God explained to Noah that “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in His own image.” (Genesis 9:6, NIV) 

With that, the mandate was given to care for all human life because it is precious, sacred, and holy, made in the image of God.  

To take the life of someone else is to defame and desecrate the image of God. It is to willfully destroy what God meticulously made and is deserving of death. 

Want to dive deeper into topics like these? Gain a fuller understanding of what God’s Word says about the sanctity of human life, pornography, same-sex relationships, and more in Dr. Graham’s book, Culture Wise: Thinking Rightly About Seven Societal Wrong’s. 

We’ll gladly send you a copy as our thanks for your gift below. So request yours now – and thank you for your partnership to take the Gospel to the world!

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