How a Christian can become a follower of Christ

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

–John 10:27

Remember when you were little and you would just play outside for hours and hours? Then dinnertime would roll around and there was always that famous call from home, “Dinner!”

Now, no one ever had to look at you and say, “Your parents are calling you.” No, you knew your mom or dad’s voice because you heard it all the time. And because you knew that, you also knew when it was someone else’s mom calling and you still had more time to play!

In the same way, a true follower of Jesus hears his voice. But he doesn’t just hear his voice, he follows his voice. It’s so important to understand that being one of Christ’s sheep means you truly follow him!

It’s one thing to call yourself a Christian, go to church, volunteer for a ministry, and read your Bible. It’s another thing entirely to be a Christ-follower… to learn from his teachings and love him with all your heart.

So don’t just learn about Christ, follow him. Trust in him with all of your heart. Read your Bible daily and apply it to your life. As a follower of Jesus, you’ll be used in amazing ways!



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Today's Devotional

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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