How can you have a rock-solid marriage that lasts a lifetime?

We live in a culture that’s quick to run to the divorce court when a marriage isn’t “working.” But God invented marriage and family, and He can help you and me build a marriage that will last.

God wants to bless your marriage and help you succeed. But as a husband or wife, you must be willing to make the necessary effort for you to experience all of His blessings.

As a pastor, I’ve observed that most marriages that end in divorce are abandoned for no good, biblical reason. They didn’t have to end that way. Most divorces come about because people give up… they’re just not willing to work at it anymore.

I believe the primary culprit in the demise and destruction of marriages today is neglect. Your marriage and mine is like a beautiful garden that must be tended. It must be cultivated. It must be worked on. A great marriage doesn’t just happen!

I always chuckle when I hear someone say, “Well, we just fell in love.” You don’t fall in love; you grow in love. And if you’re going to grow in love for your spouse, then you need to nurture and care for your marriage like a beautiful garden. You must uproot the weeds and build some fences. And you must realize that it takes both sunshine and rain.

God wants to help you tend your marriage and see it flourish. But again, it’s going to take work. That’s why He’s given us clear principles in His Word for loving, accepting, and respecting each other. He wants to show us how to build the kind of marriage that will last a lifetime.

So determine today to work on your marriage relationship. That’s your first step in building a rock-solid marriage that brings both of you lasting joy.

God wants to help you tend your marriage and see it flourish. But again, it’s going to take work. That’s why He’s given us clear principles in His Word for loving, accepting, and respecting each other.


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Today's Devotional

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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