How do you choose?

By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter…

–Hebrews 11:24

The choices you and I make in life can make us or break us. It’s true. Our decisions affect our lives and destinies.

We see this truth clearly depicted in the life of Moses. By God’s plan, Moses was raised in the household of Pharaoh, but was cared for and trained in the things of faith by his birth mother. He lived for the first forty years of his life this way, experiencing unimaginable advantages as a prince of Egypt.

But in spite of his privileged upbringing, Moses knew he was different from other Egyptians. All that he had learned about God at his mother’s knee confirmed within him that he was a Hebrew. He identified with their plight and pain. And he began to sense that God was going to use him to deliver the Israelites from over 400 years of oppression and slavery.

So Moses made the bold choice to identify with God and his people. And that choice changed his life, and the world, forever!

So what choices are before you today? Listen! The choices we make can change everything in our lives! And the choices you make day after day create and shape your character.

Be bold! Choose according to your faith in God and based on your identity in him!


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