How to bless your child

… bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.

–1 Peter 3:9

As parents, we are to bless our children. We are called to it. 

Now, you and I may have all kinds of positive thoughts about our children, but a blessing isn’t a blessing until we speak it! 

So let me tell you some ways you can bless your child or children, starting today. 

Begin by speaking words of affection to your children. In fact, you should never stop telling your children that you love them! Every time my oldest son and I talk, I tell him I love him. And my son is in his mid-30s! This is a manly thing to do and it’s a tremendous blessing! 

Other kinds of blessings that we can speak are words of forgiveness. We live in a cynical and judgmental world. And because of that, you and I need to teach our children the blessing of grace and forgiveness. In fact, some of the most powerful words that your child may ever hear you say are, “I’m sorry, I was wrong. Please forgive me.” 

We should also speak words of promise into the lives of our children. We help children understand and rise to their place in God’s Kingdom when we say, “You are a promise from God. You have amazing potential! You are God’s gift! And God is going to use you in an incredible way to advance his Kingdom.” 

As a parent, this is one of the most important callings you have. Take the time today to study and know your child. Look into your child’s eyes and seek your child’s heart. And don’t let the days and years get away from you without speaking words of blessing.


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