How to face today’s broken culture with hope!

We’re in deep trouble as a nation. Crime and violence are up. The divorce rate continues to climb. Kids are living on the streets without parents, people are broken with addiction to drugs, alcohol, and pornography, and teen suicide is on the rise. 

Is there any hope for the future? 

Absolutely yes! Jesus promised that the gates of hell will never prevail against His church (Matthew 16:18), which means that we have a responsibility to get on our feet, stare down the lies of our culture, and refuse to blink. We can stand firm remembering that our help comes not from this world, but from the Lord (Psalm 121:2). 

While it’s important that we be known for what we are against, it’s even more important that we are known for what we stand for. Can you imagine what a difference it would make if our culture knew the church as a safe haven for people to encounter God’s love and life-giving truth?  

Let me give you an example: As Christians who understand that life begins in the womb, we are opposed to abortion. But while we are pro-life in our beliefs, we are called to also be pro-love in our actions. People outside of the church need to see more than our condemnations of abortion. They need to see us helping moms in crisis, stepping into the gap for families in need, and extending hope through the love of Jesus in word and deed.  

Simply put, they need to see our faith in action. That’s how we will address crime, divorce, addiction, and every other form of brokenness we see today – by demonstrating that we are committed to helping broken people, just like Jesus. 

That’s the message at the heart of my brand-new series, Don’t Blink, and it’s my prayer for you and your daily walk with Christ. May you live out your faith boldly with the truth of God’s Word and the precious hope of the Gospel! 

I’d love to help stand boldly for God’s truth in our broken culture by sending you a copy of Don’t Blink as my thanks for your gift to help proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

Simply request yours today – and thank you for your commitment to spreading the Gospel… ’til the whole world hears!


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Today's Devotional

“Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out…” –Acts 3:19 In his famous book, I Surrender, Patrick Morley writes that many of the problems in the

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