How to have a year-round attitude of gratitude

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

–John 3:16

There are times when being thankful is frankly hard. It’s difficult to give thanks when someone you love hurts you. It’s hard to show gratitude when you’re in a seemingly hopeless situation. But God never commands us to do anything that He doesn’t enable us to do.

Since being thankful is a command in the Scriptures, we can be sure we have the capacity to do it at all times, in all circumstances and conditions. And in the darkest days, through the tears and pain, by His grace we can say, “Thank You, Lord.”

Now, being thankful will not change your circumstances. But it will change what your circumstances do to you. Your circumstances in life will either destroy you or build you up depending on how you see them. But when you say thank you, you recognize that beyond your circumstances there is a sovereign God who loves you.

Thankfulness for a day is easy. But living a life of thankfulness can be hard. So when you struggle to be thankful, remember God’s love—a love that’s so powerful He sent His son to die for you. That’s how you can have a year-round attitude of gratitude.


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