How to keep your dreams alive when you’re stuck in a pit

The fact of the matter is, you’re going to hit speed bumps when you chase your dreams. I’m talking about the wonderful, God-given dreams that bring a smile to your face and fill your soul with joy. Dreams for your family, your ministry, your career, and your future. These are the dreams that make up your destiny – God’s good plan for your life.

But as we learn from Joseph in the Old Testament, sometimes our dreams can take a beating. And just like him, you might find yourself stuck in the bottom of a pit with your dreams on life support (see Genesis 37).

The question is, will your dreams die in the pit? Or like Joseph experienced, will they roar to life in amazing ways you never imagined?

Here are four lessons about how to keep your dreams alive when it feels like you’re stuck in a pit:

Remember God is in control. He says in Isaiah 55:8-9, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Just because you don’t understand, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense.

Remain faithful no matter the cost. You can tell the size of a Christian by what it takes to stop them. When Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold as a slave, he refused to allow his circumstances to keep him from living for the Lord. The question isn’t whether or not life will challenge your dreams. It’s whether or not you’ll remain faithful when it does.

Reject bitterness. People who’ve experienced heartache often become hardened by the beast of bitterness. And eventually, that beast devours them. But you don’t have to bow to bitterness. Even in the pit, you can have a quiet confidence in the Lord.

Rest in the providence of God. God’s providence is His plan in action. His invisible hand is working in you to bring your dreams to life. So don’t fight Him! Listen to His command in Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Don’t be like the little boy who planted radish seeds and kept pulling them up to see if they were growing.

No matter what happens to you, don’t let your dreams be swallowed by the pit you’re in. Remember, “For those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Trust in the God who made the universe and cares for you with an everlasting love. When you do, He’ll bring your dreams to life for His glory – and your greatest good!




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