How to power up when you feel like giving up

There’s something in our human spirit that never wants to give up. Each of us is like that little train engine in the children’s book, bravely chanting, “I think I can!” to conquer the mountains in our lives.

But most of us will eventually meet a set of circumstances that seems hell-bent on taking us down. And that’s when we can begin to think, “Can I really get over this hill?”

If ever there was a “Can I?” sort of person, Gideon was that guy. We read in Judges chapter 6 that Gideon was hiding away from his enemies… threshing wheat in a winepress… when an angel sent from God turned up and called Gideon a “mighty man of valor” (v. 12). He also said Gideon was going to spearhead God’s plan to free Israel from Midianite oppression.

Looking at the odds against him, Gideon replied, “How can I save Israel?” (v. 15). What he didn’t know was that the Spirit of the Lord was about to clothe him. This forlorn farmer was going to wear God like a suit. Judges 6:33-34 says:

“Now all the Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the East came together…. But the Spirit of the LORD clothed Gideon, and he sounded the trumpet, and the Abiezrites [Gideon’s family] were called out to follow him.”

Just when things had taken a turn for the very worst, God wrapped Himself around His chosen man. And He’ll do the same for you.

As you read the rest of Gideon’s story, you see miraculous evidence of God’s intervening clout. After Gideon laid down his fears – and kept believing that even though he couldn’t, God could – he sounded the trumpet. And his army rose with confidence to take on the Midianites. But before the battle even began, the opposing army ran away.

Do you see? God fought Gideon’s battle for him. And He’ll fight your battles too. “Wear Me like a parka,” God says, “and I’ll keep you from freezing to death.” Or, as we read in 2 Chronicles 32:8, “With us is the LORD our God, to help us and to fight our battles.”

What obstacle are you facing today? Where do you need to power up instead of giving up?

God may ask you to do challenging things, but He never leaves you to do them on your own. Just when you reach that point of giving up, God sends help from heaven to encourage and empower you to do His good work and win any battle.




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Today's Devotional

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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