How to Prepare Yourself to Weather Life’s Toughest Storms

Storms can be devastating. When a powerful one hits, the lights can go out without warning – and the darkness can be terrifying.

But when you know where you’ve put candles or flashlights, you’re not scared. You’re confident that the light will come again soon. Because you’re prepared.

Storms in life can also hit without warning – a phone call or a doctor’s report. But while you can’t possibly prepare physically or financially for every crisis, you can prepare spiritually.

When you do, you won’t doubt in the darkness what God has showed you in the light.

The prophet Daniel is a perfect example of this kind of faith. Throughout his life – from teenage captive to leading advisor to world powers – he maintained integrity. So when the darkness of the lion’s den closed around him, he was prepared.

How? Daniel had spent his life becoming a person of:


Then Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. (Daniel 6:3)

Daniel’s life was characterized by diligence. He was faithful, hardworking, and trustworthy. Wherever you work, as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, you ought to be the best worker, the most faithful person there. Distinguish yourself by doing all things well.


Then the high officials and the satraps sought to find a ground for complaint against Daniel with regard to the kingdom, but they      could find no ground for complaint or any fault, because he was faithful, and no error or fault was found in him (Daniel 6:4)

Daniel was a pure man. Those who thought they could uncover some dirt on him came up empty. He wasn’t sinless, but he was blameless. That is the way to live. When you live with integrity, you don’t fear negative consequences or a guilty conscience.


          He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously. (Daniel 6:10)

Prayer was the secret of Daniel’s life. It was the secret of his courage, his conviction, his commitment. His outward life was simply the expression of an inward life of prayer, of his constant communication with God.

Strive to become a person of diligence, purity, and prayer, and you too can be prepared to weather any storm that comes your way.


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Today's Devotional

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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